Happy Birthday MCM-App! Numbers and Facts
At the 3rd of March, the MCM-App became one year old. At first, all the best to it! We would take this opportunity to draw an interim conclusion.
The app did not always look the way as it does today (see cover picture). It was a long development process until the app satisfied the demands. To do so, we presented and used the app in numerous events and let the feedback enter the further development. Through this, functions such as the guided tour (start from a selected task), the orange interval and first gamification elements were included. Meanwhile, the app arrived in its 14th version under the designation “1.82”. Nevertheless, we still have further ideas, which we want to implement in the future.
We are pleased with the iOS-version of MCM, which will probably appear in the beginning of April. Further, in nearby future, it should be possible to create GPS-based tasks (e.g. to position oneself in a right angle from two points). More, task templates for objects which can be found often in the environment (e.g. advertisement pillars) should facilitate the creation of tasks extremely. The supplemental project “MCM-Control” should allow teachers to follow the learners’ progress and intervene if necessary.
The MCM-App for Android has been downloaded and installed over 500 times and has an actual evaluation of 3,8/5 stars (we look forward to further evaluations!). Now, the MCM web portal includes over 1000 tasks, which are created and revised by about 200 registered users. The tasks can be located in different areas, e.g. Hamburg, Potsdam, Rhein-Main area, Erlangen, Wetzlar, Münster, Saarbrücken, Würzburg, Mannheim, Lyon (France), Semarang (Indonesia) and many more. In the past year, we offered ten events for teachers to get to know outdoor mathematics with MathCityMap.
It will be interesting to see what can be expected for 2017.