

1. What is MathCityMap?

MathCityMap (MCM) aims to give teachers, pupil and individuals of any age the opportunity to experience their enviroment in a new mathematical perspective. As yet math is often seen as something abstract, something that can only be witnessed in schoolbooks. Thereby we forget that everything in the reach of human culture ist based on math: shapes, surfaces, gradients, volumes, geometric figures and much more. To find them we just need to go through our surroundings with the proper view. The MathCityMap application shall sharpen the wits for these objects with so-called math trails. This gets archieved with the help of interesting objects on the map, which are connected to arithmetical problems and help the users to experience the math behind it.

Beside of the application, there is a web portal that allows registrated users to get creative themselves and build or edit their own tasks and routes. Moreover its possible to take a look at already existing routes and download them as a PDF file or use tasks that have been created by others to connect them to your own private math trail.

It is the primary goal of the MCM project to make it as easy as possible for teachers and pupil to experience the school subject math outdoors.

2. Criteria for a good task

To ensure a consistent qualitiy and to maintain our aspiration to the mathrail-idea, the tasks and routes should meet our criteria.

  1. Uniqueness. Every task should provide a picture that helps to precisely identify the situation, the object of the task and what the task is mainly about.
  2. Attendance. To solve a task, the player should be forced to be present, therefore the task data can only be obtained locally. This also means that a picture and describtion of a task should never be enough to expose the solution.
  3. Activity. The one who solves the task has to be active and do something (e.g measure and count).
  4. Multiple solutions. The task should be solvable in various ways.
  5. Reality. The taks should have application reference and not appear to artificial.
  6. Handy tips. Every task should provide at least one hint.
  7. School math and tags. The task should feature a  connection to school math. (please use the prepared tags or add new ones). Furthermore every task  should be assigned to a grade.
  8. Solution formats. The solution should be representable as an intervall, exact value or multiple choice.
  9. Tools. You should not need special and extraordinary tools to solve a task.
  10. Sample solution. Man sollte eine Lösung, bzw. Lösungshinweise samt Lösungsweg und ggfs. erhobenen Messwerten (nur im Portal und Lösungs-PDF sichtbar) für Lehrpersonen anbieten, damit diese die Aufgaben im Unterricht besprechen und mögliche Fehlerquellen lokalisieren können.

Create i vostri percorsi matematici con il portale web MCM

Guarda i nostri video tutorial sul portale web di MCM. Con loro imparerete in modo rapido ed efficiente come creare i vostri compiti e i vostri percorsi e come utilizzare la MathCityMap Digital Classroom.


Anche se tutti i video sono registrati in inglese, hanno tutti sottotitoli perfettamente coordinati che possono essere tradotti automaticamente in qualsiasi lingua. Se non si dispone di impostazioni personalizzate per i sottotitoli su Youtube, questi saranno visualizzati per impostazione predefinita.

Mostra tutti i video: Cliccate sull'”icona delle tre barre” in alto a destra del video per vedere tutti i video disponibili nella playlist del tutorial.

Tradurre i sottotitoli: Nel video, cliccate su Impostazioni (icona dell’ingranaggio, in basso a destra), poi su “Sottotitoli” e poi su “Traduci automaticamente”. Ora selezionate la lingua desiderata.