9. October 2020

Trails along the Rhine & Main: Bad Camberg

The next trail in our section “Tested Trails in the Rhine-Main area” leads us to the beautiful town of Bad Camberg. There our students Mara Deisel & Mustafa Cinar have created the mathtrail “Kurpark Bad Camberg“. The trail was created as part of our math trail seminar at the Goethe University in Frankfurt. All trails were tested by students and also passed our expert review. Lastly, we presented the trail “Oberursel Innenstadt” by Clara Jung in this section.

Information about the trail:
Name: Kurpark Bad Camberg
Code: 682897
Place: Bad Camberg
Target group: 6th grade
Topic: bodies and surfaces

The Mathtrail in the Kurpark Bad Camberg deals with bodies, surfaces and units. It is ideal for the 6th grade, but can also be used in higher grades to repeat the above-mentioned topics. In addition to bodies and surfaces, the children also have tasks to work on other topics. For example, the Trail includes tasks on percentage calculation or combinatorics. Thus the trail is varied and the students have a lot of fun.

In addition to their smartphone, the children only need a tape measure to complete the tasks. The students can ideally run the trail in small groups.

Example task: Volume of the flower bed
Task formulation: Earth is often sold in retail outlets in 50-liter packages. How many of these were needed to fill the flowerbed?
The students should therefore first determine the volume of the flowerbed. To do this, they must be able to measure and apply the required values. Then they should calculate how many packages they would have to buy.

Date: 9. October 2020 | By: Simon Barlovits | Category:  | No Comments

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