MCM during the pandemic: teaching experiment on theme-based trails in an Italian upper secondary school
A master thesis on MathCityMap and its novelties
At the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Catania, the student of the Master degree course in Mathematics Emanuele Amico, under the supervision of Professor Eugenia Taranto, is working on his Master thesis. This is an experimental thesis whose aim is to analyse the impact of using MathCityMap on students’ learning in terms of problem solving and problem posing skills. The teaching experiment, which took place in May 2021, involved a grade 9 class at the Liceo Scientifico “A. Volta” in Caltanissetta (Sicily). Due to the emergency situation caused by the pandemic, the experimentation took place in indoor mode, using the MCM@home and Digital Classroom functionalities.
For more details, read the full report (in Italian) here.