The MathCityMap Team at the GDM Annual Conference
As in previous years, it was a special pleasure for our team in Frankfurt to present the ideas and potential of MathCityMap at the recent annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (Society for Didactics of Mathematics).
As the largest conference for didactics of mathematics in the German-speaking countries, the GDM annual conference not only offers us the opportunity to discuss current research on MathCityMap and the idea of app-supported mathematical walking paths with the scientific community and to generate new ideas for the further development of the MathCityMap system. In addition, we were able to promote the enthusiasm and understanding for the concept of making mathematics experienceable and learnable outdoors with a workshop for teachers on MathCityMap and an information desk on the conference grounds.
We were again able to gain some new impulses for our work and are already looking forward to the appearance of the many contributions on MathCityMap in the conference proceedings of the GDM, which we will of course also link for you on this website.