3. July 2017

Task of the Week: Flower Box

The present Task of the Week is about polygons and geometrical figures. In particular, the prism with a hexagonal base surface plays a role. The task can be found in this form in Cologne, but can be transferred to similar objects without problems.

Task: Flower Box (task number: 1189)

What is the volume of the flower box? You may assume that the floor is as thick as the edge of the box. Give the result in liters.

As already mentioned, the base area can be assumed to be a regular hexagon. To determine the area of ​​the base area, pupils can either use the formula for the area content of a regular hexagon or divide the area into suitable subspaces. They should note that the edge does not belong to the volume. The pupils then measure the height of the prism by subtracting the floor plate. Subsequently, the volume of the prism, which is converted into liters in the last step, is obtained by multiplication.

The task thus involves a geometric question, in which students can either apply their knowledge to regular polygons or to composite surfaces. In addition, spatial figures are discussed as well as the adaptation to real conditions by observing the edge. The task is recommended from grade 8 onwards.

Date: 3. July 2017 | By: Simone Jablonski | Category:  | No Comments

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