7. February 2022

Introducing the next MCM patner school

We are more than happy to welcome the next MCM partner school! The “Jaime Cortesão Secondary School” has successfully passed the application process and is now the first MCM partner school in Portugal.

The teachers of the school were inspired by the MCM MOOC last year and the trails were created by master students working at the school and tested with the students.

The package with the measurement tools and the official partner school badge is now on its way to the school and we are very much looking forward to receiving more applications from schools.

A short report from the school on the application process can be read further down in this article and all further information on the partner school program can be found in the article on the first MCM partner school.



Together with the supervising teacher, the interns developed the activity “MathTrails” for the students from Escola Secundária Jaime Cortesão. This activity was created using the platform MathCityMap, explored in one of the interns’ subjects from the Math Teaching Masters Degree Course from the University of Coimbra.

The created trails are called “Matematicando por Coimbra” (Code: 497843) and “ πsando as ruas de Coimbra” (Code: 697842). Our students transferred the app into their phones which gave them access to the trails and to the digital classroom that was used by the interns to control them and check their scores. The students were given a participation diploma after completing all their tasks. The winners of the activity were also rewarded with medals created by the interns.


In general, the students liked the activity, stating that the tasks had the right amount of complexity and that said tasks allowed them to recall some of the concepts learned in previous years. They also agreed that the activity was useful in order to cement their new acquired math knowledge.

The interns’ goal was to show the students that math is everywhere through a different and dynamic activity where they could explore the world that surrounds them. According to the students that goal was successfully achieved.

Date: 7. February 2022 | By: Philipp Larmann | Category:  | No Comments

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