7. May 2018

Generic Tasks: Volume I

In a further article on our category Generic Tasks, we want to present you determinations of volume and mass. The focus will be on the bodies Cuboid and Cylinder. Further bodies will follow in future articles. We start with these forms as they occur in the environment very often and can be realised very quickly with our Task Wizard.

Objects that can be described with help of cuboids are for example concrete blocks or stones. Here, the difficulty varies according the unevennesses of the object, which can be balanced through averadged values. With benches, the difficulty can be increased as well, as they have to be described through different cuboids.

Cylinders are very suitbale to determine the volume of a tree trunk. Furthermore, many fountains are circular and therefore a good basis for calcualtions with the cylinder.


Especially with stones and tree trunks, the question of the object’s weight seems adequate through a given density. The mathematical background, as well as popular densities can be found in the following document Generic Tasks Volume 1.

Date: 7. May 2018 | By: Simone Jablonski | Category:  | No Comments

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